Recruiting Resources to Restore the Earth

Welcome to Earth Resource Network, a national executive search firm founded in February of 2003 and focused exclusively on recruiting highly qualified technical resources who are dedicated to restoring the earth’s natural resources.  If you are an environmental consulting firm seeking a highly qualified technical professional to fill a key technical, management or business development position or you are a senior engineer, scientist, business development expert or other professional seeking a rewarding career in the environmental consulting industry, you need look no further than the professionals at Earth Resource Network.  

We have placed technical and business development professionals nationwide in nearly every discipline and at every level from project manager to CEO in consulting firms ranging in size from 25 to 25,000.  We have a strong recruiting reputation in environmental consulting and possess one of the deepest professional candidate networks in the industry.  We strive to find candidates who possess significant technical experience and expertise, strong written and verbal capabilities, business management and business development acumen, and the flexibility to adjust to any business climate.


We provide targeted searches for consulting firms seeking environmental scientists and environmental scientists who are seeking challenging environmental careers.

Our database includes experienced environmental scientists including Ecologists, Biologists, Geologists, Hydrogeologists, Hydrologists, Geomorphologists, Sedimentologist, Archeologists, Toxicologists (human health and ecological), etc. who have backgrounds working on, but not limited to, projects involving permitting (CAA, CWA, NEPA, CEQA, RCRA, Title V, etc.) compliance (air, water, waste) wetlands (permitting and delineation), coastal restoration, stream restoration, remediation, environmental planning, etc.   


We offer specialized searches for engineers pursuing senior environmental positions and consulting firms in pursuit of senior level engineers.

Our Engineering candidates include Civil, Chemical, Geotechnical, Environmental, PEs, EITs, etc. who work on, but not limited to, remediation, geotechnical, remedial construction, constructed wetlands, coastal restoration, stream restoration, SWPPP, SPCC, wastewater, water resource, water rights and other types of environmental issues.


We engage in expansive career searches for environmental business development professionals and strategic recruiting of seasoned business developers for consulting firms.

We provide proven seller doers with technical backgrounds and/or pure business developers with or without technical backgrounds who are focused regionally, nationally, on market segments, service offerings, practice areas, industries, etc.